
Is the Partit Popolari opposed to abortion?

Yes – Partit Popolari opposes child abortion and is totally against it 100%. We firmly believe that Child abortions from the very day of conception is nothing but the bloody murder of the innocent.


Is the Partit Popolari opposed to euthanasia?

Yes – Partit Popolari opposes Euthanasia and is totally 100% against. We firmly believe that only God the Almighty has the right to terminate our existence on this earth when he finally calls us to join him.



In article 3 of Il-Pilastri tal-Partit Popolari it states:

We believe that the right to life also fully applies to children before birth, from the beginning of life. Therefore, we will oppose any attempt to introduce abortion in Malta.

More information

Art.174. We believe first and foremost in the basic right to life, and therefore oppose the introduction of abortion in Malta. We believe that the ban on abortion should be enshrined in the Constitution of Malta.


Art.175. We believe that no one has the right to take the life of another without their consent, and we therefore strongly oppose the practice of involuntary euthanasia.
Art.176. While we do not believe in principle that the state should play a role in an individual’s decisions that do not affect the legitimate rights of others or society, we do believe that an exception should be made in the case of voluntary euthanasia (assisted suicide) the potential dangers that can result from this practice, including those of decisions made in an unclear mental state, the perception on the part of the patient that it is his/her duty to take that option once it is available, instead of being “a burden on those around him/her” and societal perception that since the choice of assisted suicide exists, it is a lesser priority to give the patient all care and attention required.

Partit Popolari Manifesto